Private M&A Comparative Guide

“The key benefit of structuring a private M&A as an asset acquisition is the limitation of the liabilities that the acquirer will be assuming upon completion, as the acquirer may elect to purchase assets with little to no exposure to risks/potential risks. The disadvantage of an asset acquisition is the rigorous post-completion process, which will typically involve:”

Legal Challenges In The Digital Age: Cybercrimes And Internet Regulations In Nigeria

“The Act punishes cybercrimes such as cyber terrorism, identity theft, impersonation, phishing, spamming, cybersquatting, cyberstalking, child pornography, and related offenses, etc. Although law enforcement and anti-graft agencies have been on the prowl of these internet fraudsters with several arraignments6 and some convictions recorded, the tide is still rising with news outlets reporting cases of arrest, arrest, or convictions of these cybercriminals. While the Cybercrimes Act with its very commendable provisions has been helpful in fighting cybercrimes, it has been argued in some quarters that the implementation level is still low and that Nigeria still has a long way to go in its fight against cybercrimes.”