The Benefits Of Arbitration For Resolving Cross-Border Commercial Disputes

“The parties are free to choose where the arbitration takes place and what law and institutional rules will govern the arbitration and procedure. Arbitration also offers greater procedural flexibility than litigation. Parties may agree on time limits, confidentiality, location of oral hearings, the language of documents and hearings, and even whether the tribunal will make a decision according to law or justice and fairness. For example, the parties may agree to conduct the arbitration with a limited time for the presentation of oral evidence, or even with no oral evidence at all.”

Electricity Act 2023: Deepening The Exploration Of Nigeria’s Renewable Energy Potentials.

“In recent times, newer policies have been developed to deploy more modern approach to the development of the country’s renewable energy space. These policies include the National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy (NREEEP), 2015; the Draft Rural Electrification Strategy and Implementation Plan (RESIP), 2016; the approved National Energy Masterplan (Revised 2022) and the Renewable Energy Roadmap for Nigeria 2023 (REMAP).

Remarkably, the Nigeria energy sector has….”